Farmstand open 24/7/ 365  | Studio Hours Tuesday - Friday 9am - 3pm 

Learn Cut Flower Growing

Farm Stand

Get farm fresh flowers in Bonners Ferry, Idaho

From seed to bloom no flowers are fresher or more beautiful than the ones blooming right now, locally, and true to the season.  During our season, we harvest daily and stock the farm stand with lots of variety. We also have other locally produced from artisanal friends and neighbors.

Unmanned with Honor System
: Venmo, Cash, Check and Credit Card.

2431 Moon Shadow Road, Bonners Ferry, Idaho

Open 24/7/365

How it Works

Every item in the farm stand has a barcode.

"Thank you so much for your support!! We are always excited when people come to the
farm stand. Without you, we could not grow."

- Paula Rice

We've made it super simple.

Simply Scan the Barcode on the price tag with the scanning device.

Either swipe your CC or choose "other payment options" to pay via cash or check. Drop your receipt in the payment box please.




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Fun Fact:

Our entire farm stand is a walk-in refrigerator  and we added on!!


Our main item is fresh flowers, and, in the winter, we have dried flowers and holiday fare. You can also find baked goods, coffee, locally made soap, eggs, milk, cards, leather boot conditioner, knitted purses, refurbished items, and more. You never know what might be in there.

Q: What items do you sell in the farm stand?

The farmstand is always open. If you are on a date at 11pm and you need some
flowers and eggs on the way home, you can drive by and get some, literally.

Q: What hours are you open?

We went two years without any major incidents and then in winter of 2021/22, we got a nasty thief in there. The person would take a lot and became quite regular. Made us sad. To stop this from continuing, we put in a camera.

Q: Aren’t you worried about people stealing?

This mini-course begins your cut flower journey the right way. Discover the joy of growing a simple & abundant "Cut-and-Come-Again" flower garden.

New Mini-Course: Cut and Come Again Flowers

Check it out!

Copyright BeeHaven Flower Farm 2024